Cosmos Health was the first provider in London and internationally to offer Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for individuals who has special needs such as Autism, ADHD and Learning difficulties. We now have the largest and most advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) based TMS and TDCS clinics in Europe providing services to the children in need. Our physicians continue to be at the forefront of innovation for targeted, personalized AI based QEEG guided mental health services.

What Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?
TMS is a non-invasive technological breakthrough that involves applying a series of short magnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells in areas of brain related to different symptoms and syndromes via help of QEEG guided AI based protocols. The treatment is sometimes called repetitive TMS (rTMS) because repetitive magnetic pulses are delivered. Studies have shown that rTMS is twice as effective at improving symptoms of major depression than antidepressant medications and talking therapy.

Treatments with TMS

Treatment is performed in an clinic and requires no anaesthesia or sedation. Patients sit comfortably in a recliner and remain awake during the procedure. A typical treatment course consists of daily TMS sessions, 5 days a week for 4 to 6 weeks. Each session lasts from 5 to 30 minutes depending on your specific protocol. You can return to normal daily life immediately after treatment. TMS therapy may be combined with changes in prescribed medications, as well as other therapies.

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that involves applying a weak electrical current to the scalp in order to modulate the activity of neurons in the brain. The basic idea behind tDCS is that the electrical current can help to enhance or inhibit the firing of neurons in the brain, depending on the direction of the current flow and the specific area of the brain being stimulated. The current is typically applied using a small battery-powered device that delivers a low-level electrical current to the scalp via electrodes. The process of tDCS typically involves placing the electrodes on the scalp in a specific pattern, based on the area of the brain being targeted. The stimulation is usually applied for a period of 20-30 minutes, during which the individual may feel a slight tingling sensation or mild discomfort.

Electroencephalography (QEEG) in the use of TMS
Electroencephalography (EEG) and Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) are the two methods of assessing the electrical activity of the brain (Britton, J. W., 2016). The more advanced version of the EEG is called the QEEG, because it necessitates the quantification of data from a single EEG sensor by specialised software (Kopańska, M., 2021). QEEG is the non-invasive measurement of the brain’s electric fields. It is both brain mapping and brain imaging. Electrodes placed on the scalp record voltage potentials resulting from current flow in and around neurons (Biasiucci, A et al. 2019). It is possible to further evaluate the spatial and temporal variations in neural voltages that are recorded as classical EEG waves to determine the percentage of various frequency spectra of electrical activity.
A QEEG is a secure procedure in which specialised software quantifies the EEG sensor data. The results are contrasted with normative databases, which have records of healthy individuals in a given age group. This technique is frequently used in clinical research to assess the efficacy of a particular therapy or intervention based on the test-retest procedure (Kesebir, S., & Yosmaoğlu, A. 2018). The EEG and QEEG are both crucial diagnostic procedures that provide reliable information about brain malfunction and are essential in the diagnosis and monitoring of epileptic seizures, but the QEEG is more commonly used (Kopańska, M., 2021)

Using AI to be guided and facilitated protocols and treatments.
Creating AI-based qEEG guided TMS and tDCS protocols is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and expertise in both neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Here are some general steps which we are following during our treatments.

  1. We have Developed a database of pre and Post qEEG recordings

These recordings have included data from individuals with a range of neurological and psychiatric conditions, which we are comparing them with healthy individuals.

  1. Pre-process the data: We have Pre-process the qEEG data to extract features that can be used to train the AI models. These are spectral power, coherence, and other measures that are commonly used in qEEG analysis.
  2. Develop an AI model: For training an AI model to predict the optimal TMS or tDCS protocol for a given qEEG recording, we have used Azure AutoML and other machine learning algorithms such as neural networks, decision trees, or support vector machines to develop the AI model.
  3. Validate the AI model: Validate the AI model using a separate dataset to ensure that it is accurate and reliable. We have tested the model in a clinical setting to evaluate its effectiveness in guiding TMS or tDCS treatment. Also, we have compered them with the pre and post score level on diagnostic assessments
  4. Integrate the AI model into TMS or tDCS therapy maybe in the future to the devices: Finally, integrate the AI model into TMS or tDCS therapy with the decision support of the clinicians and also in the future we are planning to use them into the devices so that the optimal treatment protocol can be automatically selected based on the patient's qEEG recording.

Cosmos Healthcare Model neuro modulation models
Treatment and therapy for individuals with mental health issues (Depression, anxiety, etc), or Neurological disorders (ALS, Alzheimer’s, Dementia etc) special needs including Autism, Asperger's syndrome, giftedness, Language and speech disorders, voice disorders, Chewing and swallowing disorders, Special learning difficulties (dyslexia-dysgraphia-dyscalculia), Attention deficit and hyperactivity, Developmental retardation, learning disorders, anxiety disorders. Cosmos health is providing QEEG guided Artificial intelligent base individualize treatment protocols to treat all these different issues. The Practitioners are following the 8 steps to provide treatments:
1-Initial Assessments: Practitioners meet with clients and fill the patient anamneses forms
2-QEEG scan : QEEG technicians will be conducting the qEEG scan, which takes half an hour
3-Diagnosess scoring: Our phycologists complete formal assessments to assess different conditions and score them
4-QEEG Analysis: Our QEEG analyst, neurologist, and data scientist work on the analysis of the QEEG data and provide around 20-page detailed brain mappings and QEEG reports
5-AI based individualize protocols: Our AI engineers are work with our practitioners and data scientist to create AI based individualized protocols for each patient
6-TMS-TDCS and rehabilitation treatments: Neuro-modulation practitioners work with neurologist and psychist’s to implements AI based TMS and TDCS treatments. All our treatments and sessions are QEEG guided which means that we are working on the overactive and less active part of the brains according to individualize QEEG results via TMS and TDCS protocols.
7- QEEG guided AI based TDCS Home therapy models
Our practitioners create a home based TDCS therapy plan for individuals according to their EEG results. Patients use their phones to download an App to connect with the TDCS head set to start their sessions. All sessions are monitoring via SAAS program with our professionals.
8-Post QEEG Scans and diagnose scores
Our QEEG technicians are applying post QEEG scan 3 months after the treatments.
9-Post QEEG analysis and score analysis
Our Neurologist and EEG analysts are comparing the results of the pre and post EEG to provide a comparison result for individuals.

Facebook Private Group
We also created a private Facebook group which allow families to share their treatment experience and developments with transparency. With currently 5.3k members following the neuromodulation treatment all over the world. I treated over 1500 children with the success rate of between 30% to 80%.